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fleet vehicle maintenance

Maintaining your cargo box can be difficult at times with hectic delivery schedules always being a priority for businesses that deliver their goods with trucks. With the many uses for your cargo box, there are certain things you should do to keep it in good shape, so when you need it, it will operate as intended. Moreover, improper maintenance of your cargo box can be dangerous. According to FMCSA or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 4% of all truck accidents are related specifically to cargo mishaps. That’s why it pays off to have the right guidance about maintenance for your cargo box. 

Read on to learn more on how to maintain it.

Keep the weight manageable.

Excess weight can destroy your cargo box floor. The stress that excess weight brings will reduce the useful life of your cargo box in its current configuration, which means a lot more repair expenses.

Cover it up to prevent damage.

When you are not using the truck for an extended period of time, if possible cover the cargo box with a tarp or any other suitable covering to keep it from being damaged by water and other elements that may cause damage over time. When you are using a tarp on your cargo box, tie all the corners as well as the center of the tarp, to prevent it from blowing off the cargo box in high winds. Also, secure all items in your cargo box before covering them up to avoid any incident that might result in damage. 

Be on the lookout for rattling sounds.

For long journeys, make sure to check the structural integrity of your cargo box by taking it on a short drive on a rough road. Any looseness or rattling will indicate that you need some maintenance for your cargo box. If so, call for a fleet truck repair immediately.

Regular fleet vehicle maintenance.

If your cargo box is starting to show signs of wear and tear after several uses or you are facing unexpected issues with your cargo box, have it checked out by a professional mechanic. Fleet vehicle maintenance will help you save a lot of money in the long run because you will get to know what issues you are facing and how serious they are. A professional mechanic can also advise you on what maintenance is required for your cargo box, depending on what’s wrong with it.

Inspect/Replace the attaching bolts when necessary.

You need to have all parts and accessories of your truck in top condition to ensure safety on the road. Regularly inspect the U-bolts that hold down your cargo box to the truck chassis when the truck is in the shop for a PM service. This is very important because if you don’t do this, you will risk being stranded somewhere or causing an accident if the box shifts or separates from the truck.


Maintaining your cargo box is the key to guaranteeing that it lasts for a long time. If you are running a business that uses trucks, make sure to follow these basic maintenance tips to maintain cargo integrity during deliveries. And whenever necessary, make sure to call for a fleet truck repair to avoid any delays and disputes.


Author admin-oktruckrepair

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